Gabriele Salvatori - Sustainable tempo


Gabriele Salvatori, the CEO of Salvatori, award-winning Italian design company specializing in natural stone. While running a company that is continuing to grow, Gabriele tries to ensure not losing sight of what the company stands for.

That sense of legacy, of leading a family company that he had inherited, is his major drive and he dreams of one day handing it down to the next generation.

What he stands for and his views on the ethics of business, especially during challenging times brought by the beginning of 2020, are covered in this engaging UNPLUGGED conversation.

For a complete insight, please watch the full interview above or listen to it as a podcast.

The tremendous amount of money that companies are spending just for the show ... I find it not to be very ethical anymore. There are better ways to spend our money. And so we should all go back to fundamentals and to the core values of our lives, which for a company like Salvatori, are to create meaningful products of high quality. But then be very harnessed in the way we transfer and we communicate the things we’ve done.
We don’t really need all those extra layers of the show business. It is just a tremendous waste of money and energy that we should rather use for other things like philanthropy, helping others, and helping our communities.
— Gabriele Salvatori

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